cañon de hielo de gray fullbuster/ gray fullbuster ice cannon
Holaa! hoy pondre como hice el cañon de hielo de gray fullbuster que lleve en el expotaku de tarragona. el resultado creo que es bastante bueno en relacion al material y el trabajo.
Hii! Today I 'll post how i made the ice cannon of gray fullbuster that i wear at Expotaku in Tarragona . I think the result is pretty good in relation to the material and labor.
the cannon consists of three parts, and for this I based on this picture:
asi que tenemos la parte de delante, los tubitos de enmedio y la parte de atras.
Hii! Today I 'll post how i made the ice cannon of gray fullbuster that i wear at Expotaku in Tarragona . I think the result is pretty good in relation to the material and labor.
bueno vamos alla:
Let's Go:
Let's Go:
el cañon consta de tres partes, y para esto me base en esta imagen:
the cannon consists of three parts, and for this I based on this picture:
asi que tenemos la parte de delante, los tubitos de enmedio y la parte de atras.
yo utilice quatro macetas, si macetas para plantas (wtf) bueno esto es complicado, el montaje es el siguente:
So we have the front, the middle tubes and the back.
For this I use four pots, yes plant pots (wtf) Well it's complicated, assembly is the below:
So we have the front, the middle tubes and the back.
For this I use four pots, yes plant pots (wtf) Well it's complicated, assembly is the below:
nose si aun asi se entendera muy bien. pero lo que es es una maceta (1) con dos pegadas detras (2 y 3) luego las dos hamburguesas esas las hice con dos trozos de carton de forma hexagonal pegados pero con algo en medio para guardar el espacio (si se entiende muy bien). los tubos de pvc aunque yo use unos trozos de plastico que tenia, los enrolle y los pegue y por ultimo la maceta del final. repasad la imagen del resultado que se entiende mejor. para la manita para agarrar el cañon junte carton i lo envolvi en celo y lo clave directamente a la segunda maceta. por ultimo en el interior de la maceta 1 puse unos cristales asi redonditos que tenia pintados de azul pegados en la base. (basicamente no savia que hacer para que no se notara tanto que eran macetas) y bueno mas o menos eso salio
i don't know if you will understand very well. but what it is is a pot (1) with two more pots behind (2 and 3) then the two burgers (hexagons) those I made with two pieces of hexagonal cardboard glued shape but with something in the middle to save space (if well understood ). for thw tubes; pvc tubes although I use a few pieces of plastic that had the wind and paste. and finally the end pot. review the image result is better understood. for the little hand to grab the cannon i gather cardboard an i wrapped it in heat and drive it directly to the second pot. Finally inside the pot 1 i put some crystals had painted blue glued to the base, . (basically no sap to do so you do not notice that they were both pots) and good that came out more or less.
if you have any doubt, leave it in the comments nwn
i don't know if you will understand very well. but what it is is a pot (1) with two more pots behind (2 and 3) then the two burgers (hexagons) those I made with two pieces of hexagonal cardboard glued shape but with something in the middle to save space (if well understood ). for thw tubes; pvc tubes although I use a few pieces of plastic that had the wind and paste. and finally the end pot. review the image result is better understood. for the little hand to grab the cannon i gather cardboard an i wrapped it in heat and drive it directly to the second pot. Finally inside the pot 1 i put some crystals had painted blue glued to the base, . (basically no sap to do so you do not notice that they were both pots) and good that came out more or less.
if you have any doubt, leave it in the comments nwn
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